18 October 2009

Bean there done that.

Peas and beens from the last post were planted in the sprouting chambers the next day. 30 of the 40 peas have gerninated. The beans are beginning to germinate too. It appears to happen more slowly with beans than with peas.

Also (last weekend) planted leek seeds and strawberries seeds (seeds saved from last year's crop of alpine strawberried). Both were planted in pots in the green-room and both have started to germinate.

Plonked some old parsnip seeds into the patch along with turnip seeds (white and green).

Went to Nichols to get a small tunnel. After placing it over a small patch of the patch it was clearlt warmer inside than out (when you stick your arm in. To test it properly one of the punnets of 2 squash were transplanted from a pot into the patch under the tunnel. With some luck it'll thrive (the zucchini put into the patch died).

1 comment:

zeplin912 said...

Haha I like your caption. I wish I lived in New Zealand :(