24 November 2013


Currents galore this year. They need time to turn red then black, but these black currents are aplenty. 

Mitre 10

I had a voucher to Mitre 10 and spent it on some plants. Two types of dwarf beans, lettuce, orange cauliflower, kale, pumpkin, perpetual spinach, silverbeet, corn, Brusselssprouts. They are mostly in the patch and have survived the week. Some are pictured above. 

Weeding, weeding, weeding, finally the white turnips are showing signs of being white turnips.

05 November 2013

Lettuces in

In the space where the radishes came out, in went lettuces and spinach. 

04 November 2013

First harvest

Radishes. They only take a month or so. These ones taste great - but I'd like to taste some stronger ones.