30 August 2009

Seed This Done That

Finally manages to get some more seeds into the green-room. This time:

Tomato (both types)
Strawberry Spinach

The Zucchini have gerninated as have some of the cucumbers.

23 August 2009


Dug the second of the three beds. That's two of the three done, the third has cauliflower plants in it (one less as one of the green cauliflowers was had for dinner). Once the cauliflowers are all eaten the third bed will get a good work over as it wasn't dug through last year.

Went to nichols to get some compost. Purchased 10 bags of "Organic Compost". One bag per square meter was put onto the bed that was just dug over. Also used 100g per square meter of lime and 50g per meter of Nitrophospha Blue.

The three bed sizes are: 4.5sqm, 3.6sqm, and 4.7sqm.

Also planted some herbs, Coriander, LemonGrass, and Thyme.

08 August 2009

Some Seeds Sewn

Spent the evening getting the seeds of the plants for the sun room this:

  Purple Calabash
  Mini White
  Baby Doll

As well as some plants that need to be strong before being planted out:

  Black Beauty
  Black Beauty
  Glaskings Perpetual
  Italian Long Keeper

Lets hope germination happens

State of the Onions

The tree onions appear to be doing well. The chives died down and have re-emerged from the soil. The garlic is showing no signes of anything!