16 November 2008

Putting the Brassica to Bed

Time to transplant from the seed trays into the garden. 10 Brussel Sprout plants (3 rows) and 6 purple cauliflower (2 rows) went into the freshly dug over beds. The beds were not composted because after spending a day digging them over the energy to sift compost through a seive was missing. From that seed tray none (that' right, none) of the green cauliflower germinated, all the brussel sprouts germinated and all except one (or was it two) of the purple cauli germinated.

To my total surprise another pumpkin germinated. After however many weeks it has been they were about to get written off as a disaster. There are now 2 pumpkin and 1 giant pumpkin desperately awaiting transplanting into the vege patch.

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