9 Cauliflower and 9 Kalettes went into the vegetable patch. One of the three beds is now full of brassicas and so it'll be necessary to keep them out of the other beds for crop rotation purposes. That is, next yearn brassica are not allowed in this bed, they'll all be in a different bed. All up, cauliflower, broccoli, kalettes in the bed. Bed if full. Other plants in the green room have germinated, including these zucchini
13 of the broccoli were ready to be planted out, so there were so. The cauliflower and cabbage are ready to go too, but there wasn't enough time tonight to get it done. The Zucchini are beginning to show signs of life and might even be ready to go into the patch by the end of the weekend.
Welcome to The Vege-Patch. Blogged here is my attept at growing vegetables in the back yard in Dunedin, New Zealand. Please, if you have something to add do so.